
Amazon Seller Central

Codat supports Amazon Seller Central to let you connect via our universal API to real-time, consented eCommerce data from your customers who sell on Amazon.

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What is Amazon Seller Central?

Amazon Seller Central is where sellers and vendors run their Amazon business. Anyone who sells on Amazon can list products, manage orders, and resolve issues in one place.

What data types are available?

Codat’s Amazon Seller Central integration supports Company Info, Orders, and Payments data types. To gain a full understanding of exactly which data sets are available, please visit our docs.

What do I need in order to integrate with Amazon Seller Central?

Integrating with Amazon Seller Central via the Amazon Selling Partner API requires an Amazon Web Services account for authentication and specific developer registration for the Amazon Selling Partner API. You can find out more here.

How does an Amazon Seller Central integration work?

Amazon Seller Central is built on the latest Amazon RESTful APIs. These are referred to as the Amazon Selling Partner API and represent an upgrade to the legacy Amazon Marketplace Web Service (MWS) APIs, which will be deprecated at an unspecified future date. Integrating with Amazon Seller Central means integrating directly with the Amazon Selling Partner API.

How does Codat enable integration with Amazon Seller Central?

With Amazon Seller Central supported by Codat’s API, clients building with Codat can access data from the Amazon Selling Partner API in the same standardised format as many other platforms that SMBs use to do business.

Simply start building with Codat for free and, when you’re ready, switch on Amazon Seller Central in the Codat Portal. For more information about how Codat can help you integrate and connect with your Amazon Seller customers, get in touch.

Why do I need an Amazon Seller Central integration?

6.3 million SMBs are selling on Amazon. Amazon is on course to add over 680,000 new independent sellers in 2021 alone. Over half of sales on Amazon are from these independent sellers who use Amazon Seller Central.

Codat clients are using commerce data from Amazon Seller Central to build next-generation products and services for small and medium-sized businesses. Live commerce data is required for building products like instant payouts, revenue-based finance, and cash flow forecasting.

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Codat's guide to connecting with eCommerce and Payments software