
Start building today

From the world's largest banks to two-person start-ups, Codat has a plan for everyone building the next generation of products for small businesses.

Free Trial

Try and test our platform for free

Create an account
  • Start building for free
  • Test the Codat API with realistic unlimited sandbox data
  • Access quick start guides and documentation

Full Access

Get tailored solutions, volume pricing, and dedicated support

Contact sales
  • Unlimited live production access
  • Create and link an unlimited number of test companies with our sandbox data
  • Premium technical support
  • Dedicated specialized account manager
  • Implementation and integration assistance

Frequently Asked Questions

What is an active company?

An active company is one of your business customers using an integration you have built with Codat. A company is any one of your business customers who has authorised your app to access their data in at least one of the platforms with which you integrate via Codat. A company is considered active if you have pulled or pushed any data from or to one of their connected platforms in the past 30 days.

Can I migrate integrations I have already built and will my users need to reauthenticate?

Yes, you can migrate your integrations to Codat without requiring users to reauthenticate. More information about migrating existing connections can be found in the docs

Which platforms can I integrate with via Codat?

Codat provides a range of products that let you connect to all the leading accounting and commerce platforms used by small businesses, as well as bank accounts via our Open Banking partners. A complete list of the integrations you can build via Codat can be found in the docs and in the coverage explorer.

How is data kept secure?

All data are encrypted end-to-end, in transit using SSL, and at rest using AES-256, managed by Microsoft Azure. Codat is ISO27001, SOC 2, and GDPR-compliant. Codat conducts and passes regular penetration testing. Codat's Compliance and Platform Security teams can provide extensive detail on our policies, infrastructure, and more. To connect with them, please get in touch using the form below.

What support is available?

All users have access to extensive documentation and guides. Start-up users have access to email technical support. Enterprise users benefit from access to premium technical support, a dedicated account manager, and much more support to deploy integrated products at scale.

What is premium technical support?

Clients on Enterprise plans can access premium technical support. These clients have prioritized access via their Account Manager to our expert teams and in some cases will have enhanced SLAs (service level agreements) to guarantee faster triaging of issues. Get in touch with our commercial team to discuss plans upgrades.

What's on your roadmap and how can I submit a suggestion?

Contact us using the form below to find out what is coming up on our roadmap. We welcome feedback on the roadmap and requests for new features and platforms. You can submit a request here.

Do I have to pay for sandbox connections?

No, you do not pay for sandbox connections. Sandbox integrations are intended purely for development and testing. Companies connected only to sandbox integrations are never billed as active companies.

How many companies can I connect in production on Free?

The Free account lets you build and test integrations. On this plan a maximum of five companies can be linked for each platform. The total number of linked companies also cannot exceed 5 across all platforms.